Our peafowl are known as Indian peafowl. The males are known as Peacock while females are known as Peahen. The Indian peacock, the national bird of India, is a colourful, swan-sized bird with a fan-shaped crest of feathers on its head, a white patch under the eye & a long-slender neck. The male of species is more colourful than & neck & a spectacular bronze-green tail of around 200 elongated feathers. The female is brownish, slightly smaller than the male & lacks the tail. The elaborate courtship dance of the male by fanning out the tail & quivering the feathers is a gorgeous sight.


The peacock is widely found in the Indian sub-continent from the south & east Assam, south Mizoram & the whole of the Indian peninsula. The peacock enjoys full protection under the Indian wildlife (Protection) act, 1972.

Most interesting think that peacock represents a colourful life.


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