It is the birthday of Gandhiji our beloved father of the nation. Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2nd October 1869. It was the at Porbandar in Kathiawar in Gujarat. We celebrate Gandhi Jayanti to recall the greatest contribution made by Gandhiji, and pay homage to the father of our nation.

He had no message other than his life. His philosophy of non-violence astonished British rulers and the leaders of the world. He was able to lead India to freedom through non violence and Satyagraha. He had set up an example to the world that freedom can be won without bloodshed.

On this day special functions are organized at Keerthi Mandir, the birth housr of Gandhiji. National leaders pay homage to Gandhiji at the Raj Ghat in New Delhi.

In schools and colleges, special functions are organized. Special talks and seminars are organized on Gandhian philosophy . A week or two are declare as Labour weeks in schools and colleges.

Student do social work following the footstep of this great leader, thus Gandhi lives in the lives of millions of people all over the world.

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