National youth day

The Government of India has declared 12th January as National Youth Day. It is the birthday of Sri Swami Vivekananda the great philosopher, the embodiment of Indian culture. He was born in Calcutta on this day in year 1863. He was attracted to the great Indian sage Sri Rama Krishna and became his disciple. He died at the age of 39. His famous speech at the World Religious Conference in Chicago won him world fame.

He stands as a role model for generations in various respects. Swami Vivekananda inspired many people including great leaders like Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose through his works. His works have inspired the youth to achieve great things in life.

The National Youth Day is celebrated with marches and processions organized by Vivekananda Educational Society to mark the occasion. The day’s functions are focused on imbibing Indian Culture among the present day youth. A pageant is also organized highlighting cultural symbols from the epic Ramayana.

Manavata, a voluntary organization, inspires youth to channelize their powers towards the development of the Nation, Working for fulfillment of basic needs of the people and creating awarenessin various aspects of health, education, technology etc. They also organize clothes distribution to poor and the needy.

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