indian calender

Indian Calendar is based on the motions of the sun and moon and it is dated from the so called Saka Era, equivalent to AD79. It is used for dating religious and other festival but Gregorian calendar is used for official dates.
Months                       Days               Gregorian dates which coincides with first day
1 chaitra                     30                    22 March
2 vaishakha               31                    21 April
3 Jyaistha                  31                    22 May
4 Asadha                   31                    22 June
5 Sravana                  31                    23 July
6 Bhadrapada           31                    23 August
7 Aswina                    30                    23 September
8 Kartika                    30                    23 October
9 Agrahayana           30                    22 November
10 Pausa                   30                    22 December
11 Magha                  30                    21 January
12 Phalguna              30                    20 February

In leap year, chaitra has 31 days and 1 chaitra coincides with 21 march.

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