mahavir jayanti

As the name indicates, Mahavir Jayanti is the birthday of Lord Mahavir, the founder of Jainism. Queen of Trishala gave birth to Mahavir in 599 B.C. the boy was always in search of truth and knowledge. He was named Vardhmana.


After Vaardhamana became the enlightened one or Thirthankara, he preached about truth, knowledge and non violence. Jainism has no belief in creator God and they believe that their religion is eternal.  It is revealed in stages by a number of Thirthankaras.

Vardhamana Mahavira is consideres as the 24th thirthankara. Jainism had split into two sets called Digambaras and Svetembaras. Charitable work, reverence for life and non violence are the highlights of this great religion established in India.

On Mahavir Jayanti, Jain temples are decorated with flags. In the morning the idol of Mahavira is given a ceremonial bath called the ‘abhishek’. It is then placed in a cradle and carried in procession around the neighbourhood. The devotees make offerings of milk, rice, fruit, incense, lamps and water to the people in procession. Some sections of the community even participate in a grand procession.
Jains listen to lectures and stories of life and preaching of thirthankaras and take oath to lead a selfness life as preached by founders of the religion. People meditate and offer prayers. Donations are collected to save cows from slaughter.

Pilgrims from all parts of the country visit the ancient Jain Temples at Girnar and Palitana in Gujarat on this day. 
Happy Mahavir Jayanti to all visitors.

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