
Easter is the oldest Christian festival in Christianity.

             Easter is the resurrection of the Lord. Easter is celebrated after fifty days of fasting and abstinence. It is the last day of the Lenten season.

Good Friday is a day of grief. Holy Saturday is a day of mourning and wailing. A total silence reins the church from morning to dusk.

But by ten at night the church is full to observe the Easter Vigil. Christians go for midnight service and participate in all the ceremonies. In the darkness which envelops the church, new fire is struck and blessed. A big candle is then consecrated and from it is lighted many candles indicating the resurrection. During the Mass the message of the risen Lord is announced. Bells peal, music fills the air and light floods the hall.

Hallelujah is the joyous word of Easter wish. All greet each other ‘Happy Easter.’ Easter Sunday is a quiet day and the celebrations are rather spiritual and inward rather than social and showy. There will be grand dinner at home.

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